Collection: Women Health

Menopause or we should say perimenopause, that is the transitional time around menopause, can have some severe effects for some women, and last 2 to 10 years.

We have tried to list here the main symptoms of perimenopause and list some of the products that can help soothing these effects.

Sleep troubles: Roll On & Sleep Well, Lavender Mist, Sleep Well set

For hot flashes: Neroli or Rose hydrating Mists or Roll On & Wake up which contains peppermint : apply to palms of hands and breath in with two hands over your nose. 

For mood changes, anxiety: Roll On & Don't Stress. The Don't Stress or Think Positive pure blends as well as Lavender, Frankincense or Cedar oils can also be used in a diffuser if you have.

For fatigue, trouble concentrating as well as headaches: Roll On & Wake Up

For hormonal balance, ease: harmony blend, used as massage oil (in solution) for the stomach and breast areas, to help with skin elasticity and blood flow. It needs to be diluted in jojoba or almond oil (1-2% harmony blend). Sage is good as well for cycle/hormonal dysfunction.

 For libido: Be Sensual set