Irish Examiner | 22 October 2022
It was great to see our Purity Blend listed by Mary cate Smith in the 'It List' of the Irish Examiner last Saturday.
Excerpt of the article here:
Making scents
Whether it’s memories of your grandma’s baking or the salty taste of a beach breeze, smells can take you back to a moment in time or re-kindle a forgotten feeling. The discerning nose of Frenchman Benoit Nichol has blended a heady concoction of 10 uplifting essential oils to make Purity, €16, the new scent from Irish brand, The Nature of Things. The antibacterial blend can be used (mixed with water) as an alternative to abrasive cleaning products, in a diffuser, or dabbed on a pillow or cushion. Seeking more eco-friendly ways to clean the house without using chemicals? Each bottle comes with a pamphlet with recipes for natural home cleaners.